Robotic Head Part 1

I've finally gotten around to combining opencv, processing, an arduino, servos, and a webcam. I've placed two servos perpendicular to each other, and then mounted a web cam on top of that. As of now I've got the entire system zeroing in on any face it sees and then maintains that face at the center of its field of view. I'll be adding a face very soon, with eyes that will follow a person and eye brows to make it more expressive. Watch the video for a demo.

Tutorial for how to build a robotic head using opencv, arduino, and processing.


  1. Nice! any plans to share the how-to and code?

  2. Yes, I will post a tutorial once my semester is done. I've been really busy with school.

  3. Still waiting on that code buddy ;)

  4. Were still waiting. :P

  5. You can download the code if you go to my tutorial's page:
